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Body Contouring

Bailey C. Lee, MD, FAAD -  - Cosmetic Dermatology

Bailey C. Lee, MD, FAAD

Cosmetic Dermatology & General Dermatology located in Minneapolis, MN

Everyone has areas of their body that hold on to fat no matter how much you diet and exercise. You can’t spot train it away, but you can freeze it with body contouring treatments with CoolSculpting® and Kybella® available at Bailey Lee, MD, FAAD, in Maple Grove and Fridley, Minnesota. As a board-certified dermatologist, Dr. Lee can help you remove fat from your body and under your chin without surgery or downtime. Call one of the offices or book an appointment online to learn how you can reduce unwanted pockets of fat.

Body Contouring Q & A

How does CoolSculpting work for body sculpting?

CoolSculpting uses a process known as cryolipolysis to destroy fat cells. This nonsurgical technique targets and freezes fat cells that lie beneath your skin. The damaged fat cells can’t survive, and your body eliminates them through natural waste-removal systems.

The CoolSculpting process doesn’t harm your outer layer of skin and requires no anesthesia or downtime.

What areas can be treated with CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting targets common areas that don’t typically respond to diet and exercise. These include:

  • Love handles
  • Inner and outer thighs
  • Belly pooches
  • Underside of the buttocks
  • Upper arms

Talk to Dr. Lee about your problem areas. She can help you determine if CoolSculpting is the right approach.

What if I want to lose a double chin?

CoolSculpting can be used to reduce a double chin that makes you look older or heavier than you actually are.

Kybella® is another option for treating submental fat. This injectable treatment contains a synthetic form of the active ingredient -- deoxycholic acid. A natural form of this substance is found in the body where it helps break down dietary fat.

Dr. Lee injects Kybella under your chin to destroy fat cells so your body can dispose of them naturally. Kybella is nonsurgical and requires no downtime. Usually, you benefit from a series of treatments. Two to four treatments are common and up to six is sometimes necessary to get the results you want.

How long do the results of body sculpting treatments last?

CoolSculpting and Kybella are permanent solutions for unwanted fat. The fat cells that are destroyed cannot regenerate. As long as you maintain a normal weight, you will enjoy the body-sculpting benefits offered by CoolSculpting and Kybella.

What should I expect during CoolSculpting treatments?

During a CoolSculpting session, Dr. Lee or a trained technician applies the cooling device to the desired treatment areas. You feel intense cold at first and then the area goes numb. During a session, you’re invited to work on your computer, nap, or watch movies. The procedure applies sensations of pressure and suction, but doesn’t cause pain.

After a session, you may feel some tingling as sensation returns. Your skin may be slightly red for a few hours, too. You don’t need to schedule downtime, however. You can go back to all of your regular activities right after treatment.

To learn about the effective, noninvasive body-sculpting options offered at Bailey Lee, MD, FAAD, call one of the offices or book an appointment online.